I know a lot of people want to know how to get email lists going. Now I am no expert in this but I have collected a fair few in my time. I am going to give you a method that I know works but I haven't done myself.
This method takes a lot of work but the good news is that its free. And when I say a lot of work, I mean its a lot of work. You are going to pick a niche. doesn't matter what the niche is, just pick one. We are going to be building a list of traffic sources now.
you are going to want to head over to doctor google at this point. we need every single traffic source we can find on the niche you picked out. I would start out looking for forums. in the google search type in "niche forums". write them all down and make sure you check them out. if they look pretty dead, you might wanna move them down the list of forum traffic sources. Do the same thing with "niche blogs". make sure you write them all down.
You are going to want to do this with all the social media sites as well. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, periscope, linkedin, snapchat, pinterest and whatever else you can find. you are going to want to join all relevant groups, accounts, or pins for your niche.
next you are going to want to go to "answer sites" such as Quora, yahoo answers, cha-cha and whatever other ones you can google. look up all the questions you can answer.
Most of you have a KDP account, but sign up for all the other self publishing platforms as well. You are going to want to have a few permafree books you can stuff your link anywhere you can in them.
Next we are going to put together a list of influential people in your niche. by this time you are going to know who the most influential people are in your niche, but in case you don't, again, doctor google has you covered. you want to get onto all of their mailing lists. you want to see what they are offering people so you can mimic success.
Up till this point is all free. You can skip below if you aren't interested in the paid section of this.
Ill keep this short, but you now have a list of the most influential people, you can now email them and see if they would run "solo ads" to their subscribers. You are basically going to pay them to email their lists on your behalf to get them to check out your offer.
You also have a huge list of social media groups and accounts. start reaching out to all of them and see if you can get some sponsored posts.
You have a huge list of forums. contact some of the bigger names in those forums and see if you can rent their signature.
You have a list of blogs. see if you can do a paid guest post that links back to your opt-in. contact those webmasters and see if you can do solo ads on their lists as well.
Head over to
Fiverr.com, seoclerks(dot)com, and
sourcemarket.com and pay for gigs that will promote your optin site. pay for gigs that will do social media marketing for you.
The granddaddy of all paid options is advertising on the major platforms. Google, Facebook, Bing, Yahoo, Instagram, Twitter. Facebook advertising is the more favored these days.
You can also look into Media buying. This is were you buy banners from websites that drive traffic to your optin.
Head over to
upwork.com and outsource some workers to do all of the manual work for you.
------End Paid Section-----
If you skipped ahead of the paid section, start here!
Alright. You have a giant list of traffic sources! You have to have a place to send them to now! You have to have an Autoresponder. You have to have a landing page. Now you can go with Mailchip for the Autoresponder, and a free site like
blogger.com, but I really dont suggest it. Open up your tight pocketbooks and spend the money on the good tools.
For an autorepsponder, go with getresponse. Go with Aweber. It doesn't matter. The key is in the features that they both have. You have to set these autoresponders up with emails to send out. As soon as someone signs up to your list, you are going to want to have them in a que. The longer que of emails you have the better. I would send them out daily.
You also need a landing page. I would just go with
Leadpages.com and be done with it. I really dont like website building. There is instapages as well you can go with. You can always create your own or buy a landing page as well. Just remember you keep it as simple as possible. hype up your free gift with a line or two and have an email opt in and that's it!
The key here is to make sure everything is top notch. You can make adjustments later to things, do split tests and tweak whatever later.
Next you need a free gift. This has to be stellar for your niche. Remember that list of influencers you have? remember that you signed up for all their email lists? What are they giving away? you need to be on par with them or even better then what they are giving away. This is where you want to kill them with value. Give them something very valuable in your niche and over deliver on it.
Now its time to wrap this up and put it all together. You have your traffic list. It should be huge! were talking a couple hundred different traffic sources if not a thousand. If you don't have at least 100 different traffic sources, you did something wrong. Even for smaller niches, you should have a sizable traffic list.
You need to hit this list hard! Its going to take a lot of work. Its going to be a lot of long hours doing boring things. Make sure you are being organized. keep track of all the forum, blogs, and social media usernames and passwords.
When posting in forums, blogs and on social media, make sure you are adding value. Don't just spam your opt-in link. try to solve a problem or direct them to where they can get value. say something like:
"I know what you mean, when I had that problem, i tried everything under the sun but what really helped was this guys site www.youroptinhere(dot)com. only guy who had the answer for me"
Check your opt-in rates every couple days. If you aren't getting any traffic to your site, you aren't doing a good job of posting your opt-in to your traffic list. If you are getting a good amount of traffic but you aren't getting any opt-ins, either your free gift sucks or your site sucks.
I know some people have seen close to 1,000 opt-ins in their first 24 hours of doing this. This works for every niche as well and it will never get saturated either. It just takes a lot of cold hard work, or cold hard cash. Either way you're going to pay.