I have really been focused on traffic lately. In my personal mastermind group, I have impressed the importance of traffic. It is the life blood of any online enterprise.
I feel that I personally have been going about traffic the wrong way. From all the experts I have pooled together about Kindle Publishing, it has always been stressed to hit up FB groups. Build a Twitter following, Build your list etc... While all of things are important, I feel there is an overall better way of doing things.
First off, I couldn’t figure out why would I want to send traffic from so many different places to so many other different places? Why would I work my tail off sending my traffic to Amazon? I know that is where my books are, but all my books have different links. If I send someone to my link and they actually go, Amazon has all these distractions around my book! I might have just sent them to go buy someone else’s book.
I feel a blog is the best way to circumvent this. When you send people a link and ask them to read your book, it’s a lot like showing up at their house unannounced and soliciting them. It has that Jehovah’s Witness feel when you send them a link like that. I would just rather warm them up and prepare them for what I'm about to send them. That is what an article or a blog post can do for you. People are more likely to click on an intriguing blog post than an overstuffed keyword filled eBook title. I mean what would you click on, "7 Hot New trends in Internet Marketing! You'll never believe #4!" or "Internet Marketing: trendy trends that are trending #Trends."
You also get the added bonus of having the biggest search engines working for you as well as Amazon. You will rank for your keywords in Google, Bing, and Yahoo just to name a few. Driving traffic to your blog is so much easier when you can have a better worded title that doesn’t need to be keyword stuffed like on Amazon.
Social media means a whole lot more to you when you can promote a blog posting instead of an eBook title. 7 Hot New trends in Internet Marketing! You'll never believe #4!" is great click bait if your niche is Internet marketing. People what to click on your link just to see what the hell #4 is.
Your blog post should be written as an informative article using your book as a citation. You are basically reviewing your eBook in your article and linking it to Amazon.
You will also be able to create an authority site which will be able to support different ads which will also make you money. People will come to your site to get info on whatever your niche is.
You will be able to review other affiliate products as well as your books to earn commissions. This is an obvious home run.
On your own blog, you will be able to integrate an opt in page a whole lot more places. Building your email list is the second most important thing in your publishing business behind actually producing books.
These are the types of things I have been working on with my clients and with my mastermind group. I have just recently opened it up for everyone who wants to join. I don’t know how long I will keep the door to my mastermind group open for so I would get in now.
Gain access now https://www.facebook.com/groups/levelupmastermind/
I would like to thank you for your time and reading this post. I hope you have found great value in reading it and I look forward to discussing everything with you guys!