Sunday, May 1, 2016

Here Is Why You Are Failing


     Making money online is all a numbers game. I don't care what anyone else says, if you want to make dough online, you have to produce good numbers. But what does that really mean? Do I need more traffic? Is the traffic I have ok if it is targeted? Where do I even get traffic? What's more important, clicks or conversions? It seems like there are a million questions that everyone likes to be vague about when it comes to making money online. I can answer 90% of them by simply stating, "It's all a numbers game."

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     Most of the time 'more' of anything is good. If you have more money, then you are obviously happy with that. If you have more trash though.... not so good. When working online, everything comes down to traffic. The more eyes you have viewing whatever you are promoting is usually a good thing. The catch is, you have to get a lot of people to view what you are promoting who are actually interested in what you are promoting. If you have a lot of people who are coming to your site, but have no interest in what you are promoting, they are going to leave quickly, or worse, leave bad reviews. 

    Having targeted traffic is great. If you can get a lot of people to look at what you are trying to promote, and are interested in the niche you are promoting in, generally you are doing great. If you have a bad product though, it wouldn't matter how targeted the traffic is, you aren't going to make a lot of money. People might be interested in the niche that you are in, but they dislike your product. 

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     Maybe you have a great product. You have a very targeted traffic source, and plenty of it, but you still aren't converting. What could be the problem then? If this is you, chances are your promotional information isn't good enough. Your website could be turning people off. Your sales copy could look spammy. This is where a lot of online marketers do what is called 'split testing' or A/B testing. They try a few different things to see what works the best and then use that method. Some things you split test might work for one product, but not for another. That is why making money online isn't a science as much of an art. You have to figure out what works best for what you are trying to promote, and most of the time, no two products promote the same way twice. 

     Whats the right way to do things then? Well there is no right or wrong way to do things when it comes to making money online. That is why so many people fail at making any money online. Guru's make it seem like it is a science. All you have to do is follow this formula that they just so happen to have and you'll make billions. Making money online is more of an art form than a science and it takes a whole lot of testing to see what works best. If what you are doing isn't working, start from the beginning and test different things till you get it right. 

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