Friday, April 22, 2016

If Kindle Just Isn't Doing It for You Anymore...Try This!

UPDATE: Kindle Publishing Alternative 

Right now I am working on using CPA offers to sell niche items from a blog. To test This out, I have set up a small blogspot blog. I used one of my books from amazon that is no longer for sale. I put a content link lock on the book. If someone wants to get my book for free, they will have to take a survey. I then promoted the book like you would any from amazon groups. I've made $2.62 from doing this. I know its not much, but keep in mind, it is a crappy blog that has no real blog description for the book, nor am I writing up swipes for social media groups. I basically spammed the blog post to all the groups one time.
With a better blog, better call to actions, and a lot more books, I can scale this up to 100$ a day easily. Whats more, I can use the blog to build up an email list from pop ups right when they enter the site on a 5 second timer.
This would work too with any niche and it doesn't have to be books. It can be anything to download. files, games, PDF files, pictures, video... 

Kindle Publishing CPA offers

As you can see from this pic, the blog was started a little over a week ago and has generated 256 views to it. That was just from driving traffic from Facebook groups. With my 3k twitter following and my 20k instagram following, I'm sure I could really blow this out of the water. 
The CPA network I use is called When I actually build a few blogs on this, I would use a different CPA network that has better pay outs. I converted on 2 leads for $1.30 each.

I see the only downside in this is the daily promoting of this site. I will be testing this on all my books just to see what kind of revenue I would get from it on a simple blogspot blog. Also, you are really going to want something that people are willing to take a survey for. It can't be boring and run of the mill books. Its got to be something that people really want to get their hands on. You also have to make sure you target the right groups for this as well. 

I might come out with a more technical manual on how to set up CPA offers behind link lockers if there is a demand for it. I might put it behind a content locker!


  1. Did you know that that you can generate cash by locking special pages of your blog / site?
    To start just open an account on AdWorkMedia and run their Content Locking widget.

  2. Are you looking for free Facebook Followers?
    Did you know you can get these AUTOMATICALLY & TOTALLY FREE by getting an account on Add Me Fast?
