Monday, June 22, 2015

Mass Twitter Traffic In 90 Days!

There is a reason that Twitter still hangs on strong with followers. Its because of its ability to share ideas lighting quick. It's whole platform was built on speed. You are only alotted 160 characters to get an idea across to the masses. What truely makes Twitter awesome is its ability to make topics go viral with retweets and hashtags. Lets see if we can tap into some of that awesome sauce today!

For as long as their was an internet, there were people trying to make money off of it. The first Internet marketers were trail blazers. They had to make money off of the internet when there were no big name companies using it. so fast forward to today and now that everyone is marketing online, how do you cut through the noise and make your mark?

It's simple but I'm not going to lie, its going to take a lot of work! In the marketing world, we use a term called scaling up. It means when you find something that works, duplicate it as many times as you can handle to see exponential results. We know that Twitter works, but just in case you don't, lets go over how to get followers really quick!

First thing is to tweet a lot! This isn't Facebook, people don't scroll back to see what they missed. The feed is going so quickly, they will check their favorite accounts but other then that, its whats going across their feed right now! Secondly, you need to interact. Retweet, follow, favorite! You want to be following as many people as are following you. If you don't follow back, people will unfollow you. So find your favorite topic and follow everyone that likes that topic. Follow all the big accounts and all the people who follow the big accounts in that topic. It might take you a bit to get the hang of it, but when you do it really starts rolling quickly.

Twitter is very nice to us as it allows us to have ten accounts per IP address. With ten different accounts, we are going to generate a lot of buzz and most of all, traffic! Pick five or more different niches and fill up all ten spots that Twitter allows us to have. You want them to be similar so that you can cross promote accounts. The best way to do this is to pick a great evergreen niche like fashion, or health and beauty. Then pick sub niches from the over all niche. This way you can Retweet accross all ten accounts.

It's math time! you now have 10 accounts. you can follow 2,000 accounts per each account without verifying your phone. Follow the max you can until Twitter stops you. that's 20,000 accounts you have followed. your going to have varying amounts of people following you back. after a week, unfollow everyone who didn't follow you and follow all the people who followed you.

You should have roughly 7,000 to 10,000 followers after the first week across all ten accounts.  After 90 days you should have right around 100k followers which is a very low and conservative number. The great thing about this is that you have 100k followers that are targeted.

This is obviously just growth in the Twitter platform alone. Pro-tip: Use as many other platforms as you can along the way to drum up the most about of buzz and have everything play off each other.

With 100k of targeted traffic you should be able to clear 100 dollars a day easily. Some using this method clear a heck of a lot more! So get to following and go balls out for the next 90 days and see the results!


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